Monday 2 November 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Task 2: Marketing

The poster draws in the audience firstly because of the vibrant colours used. The colours on the poster are bright and eye catching grabbing the audiences attention right away. Who Wants To Be a Millionaire is a famous show that many people are already aware of so they will recognise the format of the question used on the poster. The question "What Does It Take To Find a Lost Love?" makes people want to find the answer making them find clues on the poster. The choice of answers Money, Luck, Smarts and Destiny tell the audience what it may take for this question to be answered within the film. It makes them wonder which the film may use making them want to see the film. As the question on the poster indicates Romance we know the film is most likely targeted at young adults and above. The rating shows that the film is for ages 15 and above. The image on the poster shows two characters, the boy seems to be deep in thought and the girl is running. This signifies that the boy is the one who is answering the question and the girl is the lost love. The bright colours on the image indicate the location is going to be in a bright and colourful place. One sell point is that the director is used on the poster. Danny Boyle is well known for his good films so people will be taken in by this. Another sell point is the review which says postitive things about the film. People know from reading the review that this is a good film making them want to go see it. This is successful in making you want to go see the film as it draws you in and tells you slightly what you will see if you watch it without giving too much information. The question on the poster makes you wonder what the answer will be making you want to go and see it to find out.

The trailer is more interactive with its viewers as they are given a question that they can find out only if they watch the film. The music is familiar to people who watch the show 'who wants to be a millionaire' so the trailer is also realistic. The genre given is romance and action which tells us that the film must be aimed at young adults. The trailer tells us that Jamal Malik is going to be the main character as we are told that he is the one playing the game. One sell point is at the beginning of the trailer when a positive review by Chicago Sun Times is shown. Also the director Danny Boyle's name is revealed which is another sell point as Danny Boyle is famous for his other films. As the familiar setting of the show 'who wants to be a millionaire' is shown at the beginning we know that money is going to be a big part in the film. The producers of the film are shown at the beginning; Fox Searchlight pictures, Warner Bros, Celador Films and Film Four which tells us that the film has a high budget. I think the trailer is successful in making you want to see the film as it makes the film seem exciting with the use of upbeat music, bright colours and un-answered questions. The right sell points were used as the review shown makes the film seem successful. Also the audience are able to identify with the trailer as the show 'who wants to be a millionaire?' is recognizable and if people like this show then they might want to go see this film.

The website is quite interactive as the visitors are able to find what they want by clicking on what they choose to. The image of Jamal and Latika lets the visitors know that the genre of the film is going to be romance. The synopsis of the film is given telling the visitor what the film is about and also describes the film in a positive way which would make the visitor want to watch it. The website reveals the cast and crew, shots from the film and also the trailer. The website gives downloadable images to the visitor which may make them happy to be on the website. I think the website is successful in making you want to see the film as it gives the information that people want to know about the film and leaves you satisfied. Although it gives out alot of information on what the film is about it doesn't tell us how the film will end which makes people want to see it. The information given makes the film seem good such as the director and some of the actors which may interest visitors. The synopsis also makes the film seem interesting and leaves the visitors wondering what might happen next.

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